Ben Cleary

Muskrat Falls project now considered commissioned, N.L. Hydro says

After more than a decade of work, and billions of dollars spent, the Muskrat Falls…

MHA says Labrador should have its own regional health council

The MHA for Torngat Mountains says under the new provincial health authority, Labrador should have…

Opposition says MUN needs to focus on repairing its reputation

Memorial University removed Vianne Timmons as President and Vice Chancellor late last week. Now, according…

Child care operators say late payment for new wage grid causing financial stress

A new wage grid for childhood educators took effect on April 1st.  But now some…

Province introduces new regulations for short-term rentals on sites like AirBnB

The province is clamping down on short-term rental operators. That means many unlicensed accommodations on…

Opposition parties say Budget 2023 doesn’t do enough to address gender-based violence

In the House of Assembly today, the Opposition was asking what the government is doing…

Seamus O’Regan says federal budget will bring cost-of-living relief to N.L.

Federal Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan is promising that the federal budget will bring cost-of-living help…

Province starts implementing rate mitigation for Muskrat Falls

The provincial government has started the process of implementing rate mitigation for Muskrat Falls. To…

Province launches dementia-care action plan

The provincial government has launched a dementia-care action plan to help families and individuals living…

Opposition raises concerns about Atlantic Loop in federal budget

The federal government unveiled budget 2023  With big spending on the rising cost of living,…

St. John’s International Airport reopens terminal after fire

St. John’s International Airport re-opened, as scheduled, at 5 p.m. Sunday after a fire late…

Education not a priority in provincial budget, says NLTA

The provincial budget revealed the Liberal government plans to spend a record amount on healthcare…

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