Your Community

Celebrating culture, talent and the biggest events in the province, NTV’s Amanda Mews heads to ‘Your Community’ to share the stories that matter. From live performances and festivals to sports competitions and art shows, it’s a step back from hard news to salute locals making a difference. Archive episodes here.

Your Community: N.L. Lego Users Group

Tonight, in Your Community, Sharon Snow heads checks out the N.L. Lego Users Group, which…

Your Community: ‘Grace’ at the Arts and Culture Centre

Sharon Snow takes us to the St. John’s Arts and Calture Centre where a theatrical…

Your Community: St. Michael’s Print Shop celebrates 50 years

St. Michael’s Print Shop is celebrating fifty years of art and education in downtown St.…

Your Community: ‘Harmony From The Heart’ fundraiser in memory of Justin Greeley

The local traditional Newfoundland-Irish music scene is coming together, to remember one of their own…

Your Community: The Outfitters

Marykate O’Neill returns to The Outfitters to tell us how you can old socks for…

Your Community: New video series highlights well-being efforts

The province is working on taking action on ‘well being’ for residents of Newfoundland and…

Your Community: Funding announced for Arts and Culture Centres

There was major funding announcement today for the province’s Arts and Culture Centres. Here’s NTV’s…

Your Community: Vera Perlin Society

For 70 years, the Vera Perlin Society has been providing services and support for individuals…

Your Community: PictureNL presents Clean Energy Series

Tonight in Your Community NTV’s Marykate O’Neill heads to the College of the North Atlantic…

Your Community: Spoon-playing taxi driver Harold Butler appears on Canada’s Got Talent

NTV’s Marykate O’Neill gives an update on spoon-playing taxi driver, Harold Butler, the latest Newfoundlander…

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