Reflections on NTV is hosted by the ever popular Jim Furlong. This feature conveys the connection that Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have to the past, while looking to the future. Jim digs through the CJON archives to bring us footage that’s relevant to today’s political and sociological climate. Archive episodes here.
Jim Furlong looks back at a miscellany of news from 1956.
Jim Furlong reflects on the 1969 Churchill Falls contract.
Jim Furlong reflects on the failed Sprung Greenhouse project.
Jim Furlong reflects on the invention of a machine that changed stock markets forever.
Jim Furlong reflects on the news of 1957.
Jim Furlong reflects on the news of 1956, when television was just beginning to hit…
Jim Furlong reflects on the origins of a company that used to be a video…
Jim Furlong reflects on the opening of the American naval base in Argentia.
Jim Furlong reflects on Chappaquiddick and the end of “Camelot”.
Jim Furlong reflects on the mystery of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.