The weekend forecast is not all bad!

Posted: May 24, 2024 5:46 pm | Last Updated: May 26th, 2024 6:41 am
By Eddie Sheerr

While the week ended on a cooler and rainy note, the weather will not be so bad as we move into the weekend. Saturday will be particularly cold for eastern Newfoundland, and Sunday will be markedly cooler for most areas as winds turn northerly again.

Sunday’s Outlook


  • General Outlook: Much of the Island will experience mostly to partly cloudy skies with highs ranging from 6 to 10°C. It’s a fairly typical day weather-wise, with a mix of sun and clouds.
  • Central and Northeast Coast: The exception will be in Central and on the northeast coast, where showers will persist through most of the day. Be sure to have your rain gear ready if you’re in these areas.


  • General Outlook: Labrador will enjoy sunshine, making it a brighter day compared to Newfoundland.
  • Temperatures: Highs will be around 4°C on the coast and about 11°C inland and in the western regions. It’s a great day to get outside and enjoy the sun, especially in the inland areas where it will be warmer.

Monday’s Outlook


  • General Outlook: Sunny with highs of 10 to 15.


  • General Outlook: Sunny with highs of 15.

Tuesday’s Outlook

Provincial Forecast:

  • General Outlook: Sunny on the Island with highs of 15 to 20. The warmest readings will be Central. Labrador will see periods of rain, with highs of 14 to 16.

Wednesday’s Outlook

Provincial Forecast:

  • General Outlook: A chance of rain and showers on the Island, with highs of 15 to 20. Labrador will see periods of rain on the coast, with highs near 13. It will be cooler north and west, with the chance of rain and snow. Highs will be near 5 in those areas.
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