Ben Cleary

Innu Nation going to mediation with province in rate mitigation dispute

The Grand Chief of the Innu Nation says there will be no development on the…

Province announces $225 million for roads plan

The province is investing over 200 million dollars in road and highway infrastructure.  Here is…

Class-action lawsuit filed against two health authorities for mammogram image reviews

A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Eastern and Labrador-Grenfell Health, in connection to the…

Province assembles team to continue ‘high-level’ talks on Churchill Falls

The province has assembled an expert team to continue discussions with Hydro-Quebec on the future…

Ottawa invests nearly $2 million to prevent gun violence in St. John’s

The federal government is investing nearly $2 million dollars in St. John’s to help prevent…

N.L. and Quebec to continue ‘high level’ talks as Legault admits Churchill Falls became bad deal over time

The Premiers of Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec have agreed to more high-level talks on…

Auditor General raises concerns about rate mitigation and possible fraud in unnamed town

The Auditor General released her annual report today. Denise Hanrahan raised a litany of concerns…

Negotiations or discussions? Either way, Furey and Legault to talk Churchill Falls

The Premier of Quebec is calling them negotiations, but the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador…

Eugene Manning launches PC leadership campaign

The campaign for the Progressive Conservative Leadership is now officially a three-way race. Eugene Manning,…

Atlantic premiers announce new registry to share doctors across region

The Atlantic provinces are looking to pool their health care resources to allow doctors to…

Premier Furey meets with federal ministers on health care agreements

Premier Andrew Furey met with the federal ministers of health and inter-governmental affairs in Deer…

Radiation therapy program ‘at risk of crumbling,’ says Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists

The radiation therapy cancer treatment program in this province is at risk of crumbling.  That’s…

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