Two assault investigations ongoing following high school parties last weekend, says RNC

Posted: May 23, 2024 9:45 am
By Web Team

As the school year nears an end, the RNC is encouraging end-of-year party goers to celebrate graduation without alcohol and drugs.

Police say unsupervised parties, including field parties, are unsafe for everyone. The RNC has two assault investigations ongoing related to high school parties last weekend.

Parents are encouraged to speak to their celebrating students about the dangers in attending such events and to make alternative arrangements for them to celebrate responsibly. Parents should:

  • Know where their teens will be
  • Have frequent check-in times throughout the night
  • Let your teen know they can call you for help
  • Establish a code word to signal help is needed.

The RNC is wishing all graduates a fun and safe experience. Celebrating youth are reminded to:

  • Never drive impaired
  • Never accept a ride from someone who has been drinking or using drugs
  • Stay with a buddy
  • Have a cell phone with you at all times and ensure that it is charged
  • Make sure an adult knows where you are and how to reach you
  • Call 911 if you or someone you know is in danger.

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