“Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Christmas” shopping tips from RNC

Posted: December 19, 2023 11:18 am
By Marykate O'Neill

It’s the busiest shopping week of the year and the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary wants to help ensure this festive season is filled with cheer not tears.

Foil real-life Grinch’s plans to steal Christmas by taking these steps to secure packages and gifts this holiday season:

  1. Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid distractions and phone use while walking to and from your car while shopping.
  2. Park in well-lit area. Remember where you parked and have your keys ready before you get to your car.
  3. Secure your belongings. Keep your purse and wallet close to your body.
  4. Lock your vehicle. Avoid leaving valuables in your car. Take them with you when you leave or store them out of sight.
  5. Take in packages as soon as possible. Try to schedule deliveries when someone is home or have packages delivered to an alternate location.
  6. Shop in groups.
  7. Stay vigilant and report all suspicious activity to police.

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