- Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers over eastern and northeastern Newfoundland
- Highs of 11° to 13°
- Partly to mostly cloudy in Labrador
- Highs of 7° on the east to 24° in the west
- Partly cloudy on the Island
- Highs of 20° east to 23° west
- Chance of rain and/or showers in Labrador
- Highs of 16° to 20°
- Chance of morning rain in the east, otherwise, partly cloudy on the Island
- Highs in the lower 20s
- Chance of rain in eastern Labrador, while it’s mostly cloudy in the west
- Highs in the middle teens to lower 20s
- Chance of showers and/or rain across the Province. Highs the middle teens on the Island and lower teens in Labrador.