The weekend looks good, early next week… not so much

Posted: June 22, 2024 8:01 am
By Eddie Sheerr


The photo above was taken by Ann Colbourne and was taken at Beaumont, which is part of Long Island in Green Bay South.

This weekend, it looks fairly quiet across much of Newfoundland and Labrador. Weather conditions will generally remain status quo, with sunshine and comfortable temperatures. However, Saturday and Sunday afternoon will see some afternoon showers and thunderstorms over areas of interior, central, and northeastern Newfoundland.

Labrador will also see fairly quiet weather for the next few days. Wind conditions around Churchill Falls should be so that the fire crews can continue to battle the fire near the town and keep it from crossing the river. If this looks like it will change, I will have an update for you over the weekend.

My latest forecast is from Friday’s NTV Evening News Hour and you can see it at the top of this post.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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