Ukrainian refugees

ANC looking for local families to host Ukrainian refugees as they look for permanent housing

The Association For New Canadians is looking for local families to host Ukrainian refugees as…

Silver Linings: From Ukraine to Happy Valley-Goose Bay

It’s been a year since the province opened the Ukrainian Family Support Desk in Poland.…

Province hosts job fair for Ukrainian immigrants in Corner Brook

The province hosted the first of a series of job fairs for Ukrainian immigrants at…

Ukrainian doctor brings her skills to province

Immigrants bring many things to the table. Among them is Ukrainian doctor Marina Sikorska. NTV’s…

Showcasing Ukrainian culture

Strength in numbers and comfort in culture, two things that are true for newly arrived…

New Pasadena microbrewery brand aims to help Ukrainian refugees

The owner of a microbrewery in Pasadena has come up with a unique way to…

Ukrainian mom brings her love of baking to N.L.

Maria Kavatsiuk continues her profile of Ukrainian immigrants. Julia’s love is baking, her worry is…

Local group takes over federal hotel program for Ukrainian refugees after rooms left vacant for months

The Association for New Canadians will take over management of a federal program aimed at…

Ukrainian community observes Orthodox Christmas at Basilica

Members of the province’s growing Ukrainian community observed Orthodox Christmas at the Basilica on Saturday.

Ukrainian blogger shares experiences in N.L.

Spreading the word is as important now to Ukrainian refugees as food, shelter and jobs.…

Families prepare to reunite as province welcomes fourth chartered flight from Ukraine

The province is welcoming a fourth flight of Ukrainian newcomers this evening, and as NTV’s…

Anna’s Story: Using Ukrainian food to bridge cultures

Music and food are two of the staples of human life that can reach across…

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