Ukrainian refugees

Ukrainians gather at Basilica to observe Holodomor

Ukrainians gathered at the Basilica this weekend to observe the Holodomor, in memory of the…

Ukrainian refugees share their love of home and song

Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees have arrived on our shores. They bring their hopes for a…

Viktoriia’s Story: One woman’s journey from Ukraine to Newfoundland and Labrador

Imagine going to a new country, not knowing the language, not having a home or…

Fourth charter flight planned for Ukrainian refugees

The province is keeping a close eye on its recruitment office in Warsaw, Poland, as…

Mariia’s Journey: Ukrainian refugee finds new life in Newfoundland and Labrador

Our province’s shores have always been a welcome sight for newcomers, especially for those escaping…

170 Ukrainian refugees touch down in St. John’s

It was a night to welcome newcomers and reunite families. The third provincially sponsored airlift…

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