Oh baby, what a gender reveal. Shania Twain shares memorable moment with Newfoundland woman

Posted: June 26, 2023 8:58 am | Last Updated: June 26th, 2023 7:55 pm
By Web Team



It’s a moment Hayleigh Gregory will never forget.

The mom-to-be took in Shania Twain’s Toronto concert over the weekend in Toronto, and her catchy poster caught the eye of the country music superstar.

Gregory, from Branch, held up a sign that said “Shania, will you do my gender reveal?”

The offer was too much for Twain to turn down. She invited Gregory on stage where Gregory handed Twain an envelope. That’s what the magic happened – Twain revealing a little girl is on the way. Who knows, perhaps the little girl may be named Shania.

In an era of unique gender reveals, this one will be hard to top.

Congrats to everyone.

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