Monday’s forecast: The heat and humidity take a break as a cold front moves through

Posted: July 22, 2024 6:52 am
By Eddie Sheerr


A cold front is swinging across the Island as we begin the new work week. The front is attached to an area of low-pressure current located off the mid-coast of Labrador. This morning, the cold front will bring a few showers to eastern Newfoundland.

And while that may be the first thing you see, the first thing you’ll notice when you step outside is relief. The muggy air we’ve been dealing with for the last several days is replaced by a more fall-like airmass. What I mean by that is while it will still be warm, with temperatures into the upper teens to mid-20s, it will feel much more comfortable out as dewpoints will be in the single digits to lower teens. Humidex will be non-existent today.

Weather Forecast MapsWind speed, 10 m above ground, 53°N 61°W, 2024/07/22 06:30 (UTC−02:30), ©

On top of that, we are looking at a sunny day over much of the Island, under a mix of sun and clouds. There will be some pop-up showers over the West Coast, as well as the interior and central areas, later this morning and into the afternoon. Any showers that do pop up will be transient, meaning they come and go will not last very long.

This low will remain nearly stationary today, which will bring a bit of a stormy day from near Rigolet to the Torngats. Luckily, we aren’t talking about snow, but we are talking about some wind-driven rain. In fact, wind speeds along most of Labrador’s coast are going to increase today as a wind core develops around the backside of this low-pressure centre.

Beyond the coast today, the weather across the Big Land today will see transient showers and cooler temperatures. Readings will be into the teens today for most areas, but along the coast upper single digits will be the rule, especially in the north.

Beyond today, the next few days will look pretty quiet across much of Newfoundland and Labrador. The next chance of weather will not arrive in the region until later Thursday or Friday. Temperatures stay mild and July will continue living up to its name as the warmest month of the year!

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