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More charges laid against man charged with trying to kill Port au Port snowmobiler

More charges have been laid against a 66-year-old man suspected of trying kill a snowmobile…

RNC make arrest following downtown assault

The RNC has arrested a female in connection with a report of an assault in…

Additional charges laid by police as part of attempted murder investigation in Port au Port

Additional charges have been laid by RCMP NL’s Major Crime Unit (MCU) against 66-year-old Wayne…

Police searching for missing person, Romaine Keefe

The RNC is searching for missing person, Romaine Keefe, reported missing from St. John’s. The 40-year-old…

RNC warning the public of dangerous synthetic opioid

The RNC is warning the public of the presence of a synthetic opioid, Protonitazine, which…

Open house today at Employment Centres for high school students

The provincial government is inviting  high school students to an open house at all 19…

Pike to bring greetings at Social Work Pledge of Professionalism Ceremony

Today Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development Paul Pike will deliver greetings at Memorial…

Female pulls fire alarm during theft

At 11:30 p.m. Tuesday night, the RNC were called to a report of theft at…

Good driving conditions across most of the province this morning

Roads are partly snow-covered in the Corner Brook to Gros Morne area, on the Bair…

RNC deploy spike belt to stop driver

At 1:00 a.m. this morning the RNC attempted to stop a vehicle in the downtown…

Government unveils artwork commissioned from Innu Nation

On Tuesday a ceremony was held at the Confederation Building commemorating the culture and historical…

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