Two organizations that work to improve conditions in the downtown area of St. John’s will come together tomorrow to make an announcement regarding a strategy to address the issue of safety in the area.
The Downtown Safety Coalition and George Street Association will announce a 2023 action plan that’s expected to impact all who work, live or visit the downtown core of the capital city.
Formed last year the coalition includes was formed last year to tackle the issue of safety in downtown St. John’s.
As part of the group, the George Street Association invited all member-serving organizations to share experiences, feedback and align to address the matter of safety in the downtown area.
Beside the George Street Association, members the group include members of the RNC, St. John’s City Councillors and city management, Downtown St. John’s Association, Destination St. John’s, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, business owners, Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador and Music NL.
The announcement is set for 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.