
Your Community: Choir shares traditional Ukrainian Christmas carols

About 20 Ukrainian carollers joined together in song at the Avalon Mall, to share some…

Pilley’s Island rallies around one of their own by building new home

They say Christmas is a time of giving. Nowhere is that more evident that the…

Shoppers rush to get last-minute Christmas gifts

Christmas is two days away, and shoppers were still out in force Friday buying last-minute…

Mental health struggles can increase at Christmas

Despite what the song says, this is not the happiest season for everyone. For many…

Mechanical issue prevents Marine Atlantic ferry from docking in Port aux Basques

There was heartbreaking news for 446 passengers on board the Marine Atlantic ferry Blue Puttees…

Local advocates call on government to spread holiday cheer in more inclusive way

As the holiday season approaches, local activists are calling on government for the second year…

Association provides tips on how to cope with Christmas blues

Christmas can be a time of joy and celebration for many people, but the holidays…

Backstage Pass: Local youth theatre group staging Christmas show

Amanda Mews goes backstage with a local youth theatre group, who are staging a Christmas…

Your Community: Merry Makers Market

Artists are busy at work at the Quidi Vidi Village Artisan Studios for the annual…

Backstage Pass: ‘Merry & Bright’ Christmas concert

Alex Taylor, 14, is a music lover who puts his talent to work raising money…

Coca-Cola Holiday Caravan visits Bay Roberts

On Sunday Santa made an early visit to Bay Roberts with the Coca-Cola Caravan. Bay…

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