After 372 days and 3,800 kilometers, Justin Barbour achieved his goal, hiking out of the fog to Cape Pine Lighthouse to complete Expedition Northeast.
His six year dream was realized.
“What a rip in the wilderness. It was a journey that just kept on going,” he wrote on social media. “Canoe, snowshoe, bike and hike through one of the planets last great wild areas. Up and down raging rivers, along blazing hot fly infested portages, over tundra, barrens, marshes and mountains, across sketchy frozen waterways, deep snowy woods, stabbed with -50 degrees celcius, and flying along a highway that’s as remote as it gets. Seen nearly all wildlife possible.”
The longest solo journey ever attempted across Northeast Canada (Quebec, Labrador and Newfoundland) by human power is now complete, he says.
Born and raised in this province, the self-described Newfoundland Explorer (and teacher) is now resting and pondering his next challenge.