Government Announces Year of Sport Funding Programs

Posted: January 21, 2025 6:06 am
By Web Team


On Monday Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation Steve Crocker announced several funding programs for this year for the Year of Sports.

The province will deliver five different funding programs. The first is the Sport and Recreation Access Fund which will provide up to $10,000 for eligible aquatic facilities and arenas to provide free swims and skates. 

The Community Sport Fund will provide funding to municipalities, local service districts and Inuit Community Governments to support community events and initiatives that increase sport and active recreation.  

The Enhanced Active NL Fund will see an additional $400,000 added to the Active NL fund annually to develop, deliver, purchase or upgrade active living infrastructure, equipment and initiatives. 

The Special Projects in Sport Fund will provide up to $10,000 to eligible Sport NL organizations for new initiatives that increase sport and active recreation. 

The Sport Capacity Fund will provide a one-time increase in funding to recreation and sport delivery partners to support operations and capacity building during the Year of Sport. 

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