Our Time

Our Time brings you inside the world of today’s youth. Becky Daley chronicles the trials and triumphs of young people as they navigate an uncertain world every week on the NTV Sunday Evening Newshour. Archive episodes here.

Our Time: Striving for a green economy

A local non-profit association is striving for a green economy in the province, providing a…

Our Time: One year after leaving Ukraine

Becky Daley profiles NTV correspondent Maria Kavatsiuk one year after she arrived in Newfoundland and…

Our Time: Central Wellness offers unique adventures

It’s a unique experience, a walk into the wilderness, an escape to our rugged coastlines.…

Our Time: Making Tutoring More Accessible

A group of university students hopes to make studying and tutoring more accessible and affordable…

Our Time: New app keeps students in the loop

A Memorial University student is hoping to engage and benefit the student body through an…

Our Time: Fridays for Future

Every year, students and families gather together on a Friday for a climate strike. NTV’s…

Our Time: ‘Shining through music’

This week on Our Time, NTV’s Becky Daley tells us about a unique music studio…

Our Time

Our Time: Local business man shares inspiring story in recent book

A local business man is sharing his inspiring story with people all over the world,…

Our Time: Changeling Glass Works

Becky Daley checks out a company that’s meeting high demand for artistic glassblowing.

Our Time: Good Meats, Good Eats

Two friends from this province brought a new business to downtown St. John’s: a butcher…

Our Time

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