A charge of attempted murder has been laid against 24-year-old Olivia Dyson by RCMP in Happy Valley-Goose Bay as part of an ongoing investigation into a violent incident that occurred on July 20, on Grenfell Street in Happy-Valley Goose Bay.
During the early morning hours of July 20, police responded to a report of an assault in progress. A man and woman were sprayed with bear spray and the man was intentionally struck by a vehicle. The man was treated for his injuries and Dyson was arrested and charged with a number of offences.
As part of an ongoing investigation, Happy Valley-Goose Bay RCMP, with assistance from the RCMP Major Crimes Unit, laid a charge of attempted murder on Dyson on September 4, 2024. She was arrested yesterday and attends court today for a bail hearing.
The investigation is continuing.