
Inside Story: Ukrainian woman helping other newcomers find jobs in province

Almost three years ago, one Ukrainian woman escaped war and came to Newfoundland and Labrador…

Newcomer health clinic coming to St. John’s

A newcomer health clinic is coming to St. John’s, as NTV’s Beth Penney tells us,…

Corner Brook store owner creates program to help newcomers transition into new homes

With the population of immigrants and temporary foreign workers on the rise in Corner Brook,…

Association for New Canadians hosting toy drive for newcomers’ children

Thousands of newcomers will be experiencing their first ever Christmas in Newfoundland and Labrador. The…

NDP MHA says says Labrador West facing labour and service crunch

Labour and population shortages are impacting services in Labrador west.  As the province looks to…

Immigration minister calls on Ottawa to double province’s immigration spaces for 2023

For the first time ever, Newfoundland and Labrador has maxed out its permanent residency spaces…

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