Hospitality NL Concerned about Continued Delay of Argentia Ferry Service

Posted: June 24, 2024 8:51 am
By Web Team


Hospitality NL is expressing concern about the continued delay of the Argentia Ferry.

Marine Atlantic announced that repairs to the Ala’suinu’s lubrication system have taken longer than expected. The revised first Argentia crossing of the season is now scheduled for July 3.

Craig Foley, CEO of Hospitality NL said, “We understand that delays can happen, but this continued postponement significantly inconveniences the travelling public and adversely impacts tourism visitation during the peak season for Newfoundland and Labrador. Although Marine Atlantic has assured that every effort is being made to accommodate visitors with bookings, Hospitality NL feels focused discussions need to start regarding investment in additional capacity and redundancies to ensure no further delays in the future.”

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