It’s off to the races, due to the nice weather expected today the 206th Royal St. John’s Regatta is a Go.
To facilitate the Regatta events there will be various road closures and No Parking/Tow Away areas implemented in the race area. Road closures begin at 7:00 a.m. and continue until minutes after the last race or until the level of pedestrian activity allows safe vehicular access.
There are several no-parking zones as well. Vehicles parked on any street designated as “No Parking – Tow Away” or anywhere that they are obstructing traffic (including pedestrian traffic) will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
Metrobus will be running several shuttle routes to Quidi Vidi Lake. For information on routes and schedules go to the Metrobus website or call Ride Guide.
All City offices and facilities are closed on Regatta Day. Garbage and recycling collection still go ahead and Robin Hood Bay Waste Management Facility is open.
All City parking by-laws are still in effect, however, paid parking regulations will not be enforced as Regatta Day is a Shops Closing Holiday.
Street cleaning operations will occur as scheduled and the Visitor Information Centre at 348 Water Street will be open.
Public washrooms will be open at Bannerman Park, Bowring Park, Kenmount Park, Quidi Vidi Lake and Kenny’s Pond. The outdoor pool at Bannerman Park will be closed all day, however, Bowring Park pool will open at 2:45 p.m. for public swimming.
Splash pads at Bowring Park, Bannerman Park and Kenmount Park will be open.
NTV News will have ongoing coverage throughout the day.