Cain’s Quest 2024 winners announced

Posted: March 7, 2024 4:33 pm
By Web Team


After five days of intense racing over more than 3,000kms, Cain’s Quest is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2024 race. Crossing the finish line just after noon on Mar. 7, was team Team 99: Saga Boys Vikings, composed of father and son racers Randy Malleck and Sebastian Malleck, veteran racers from Sheshatshiu. 

“This year’s race was an incredible display of courage and endurance. All the racers who crossed that start line are winners in their own right,” says Cain’s Quest Board Chair Chris Lacey. “We’re thrilled for the Saga Boys Vikings team and can’t wait to welcome home all the remaining racers as they cross the finish line.”

The Saga Boys Vikings team crossed the finish line to applause and cheers from a large welcome party cheering them on. The father and son racers were immediately wrapped in a Sheshatshiu flag and, upon being handed their trophy, hoisted it in the air before being embraced by the crowd, which included Sheshatshiu Chief Etienne Rich.

Randy and Sebastian both rode 2023 Backcountry snowmobiles throughout the race and actually ran out of gas when nearing the finish line. Another team’s crew came to the rescue, gassing them up to make it across the finish line. 

“Isn’t that just like Labradorians,” Lacey says, “to pitch in and help someone else’s team when they’re in trouble. Cain’s Quest has always been about community and that tradition was certainly continued today.”

Approximately an hour later, Team 73: PWR Sports, composed of Spencer Robinson and Kevin Willmott, both natives of Labrador City, crossed the finish line to take second place. 

Coming in at third place was Team 79 Bay Marine Racing, composed of Eric and Daniel Newhook, also both natives of Labrador City. 

Throughout the next several hours, the Cain’s Quest team will remain on-site, welcoming racers completing the race at Tanya Lake. All finish times are unofficial until formal checks have been completed by timekeepers.

In total, 31 teams crossed the start line at Tanya Lake on Mar. 3, 2024. However, 14 teams scratched for various reasons, including engine trouble, equipment failure, and medical issues. 

The Cain’s Quest board and staff acknowledge that organizing an event of this magnitude requires a significant amount of financial and in-kind support, making it impossible to complete  without the generous support of all three levels of government, sponsors, and partners as well as the hundreds of volunteers who gave their time generously to the event.

“Cain’s Quest is truly a group effort and we want to sincerely thank everyone who participated in big and small roles throughout this grueling, but thrilling 2024 race,” Lacey says. 

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