Your Community

Your Community: Gov. Gen. Mary Simon tours N.L.

Her Excellency Governor General Mary Simon is touring the province this week. One of her stops,…

Your Community: Opera on the Avalon exhibit at the Colonial Building

To celebrate Year of the Arts and Confederation 75 Provincial Historic Sites is partnering with…

Your Community: Cultural photo exhibit on display at St. John’s City Hall

A special photo exhibit is on display at St. John’s City Hall. NTV’s Amanda Mews…

Your Community: Indigenous struggles since Confederation

This year marks 75 years since Newfoundland and Labrador joined Canada. An event is being…

Your Community: Garage sale in support of palliative care patients in Ukraine

The Assistance Ukraine group are hosting a garage sale this Saturday, to raise money for…

Your Community: Terra Bruce Productions presents: An American Hymnal

Tonight in Your Community, NTV’s Marykate O’Neill heads to the Majestic Theatre to highlight a…

Your Community: Brunch with the Bags fundraiser being held in late May

NTV’s Amanda Mews tells us about the annual event dubbed Brunch with the Bags, tonight…

Your Community: Group highlights motorcycle safety

It’s that time of year again, when more and more motorcycles hit the road. NTV’s…

Your Community: Kubasonics taking stage at St. John’s ACC this weekend

Local Ukrainian band Kubasonics have been performing across the island, while raising money for artists…

Your Community: St. Michael’s Print Shop celebrates 50 years

St. Michael’s Print Shop is celebrating fifty years of art and education in downtown St.…

Your Community: Spoon-playing taxi driver Harold Butler appears on Canada’s Got Talent

NTV’s Marykate O’Neill gives an update on spoon-playing taxi driver, Harold Butler, the latest Newfoundlander…

Holy Heart High School improv team earns national championship

For the first time in thirty years of participating in the Canadian Improv Games, a…

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