Food First NL

Consultations ongoing to improve student in-school meal programs

With the rising cost of groceries impacting families in this province, efforts are being made…

New partnership hopes to tackle food insecurity burdens in rural areas

There are thousands of people in this province currently struggling to feed their families. In…

Food First NL distribution hub in Corner Brook continues to grow

It’s been just under six months since Food First NL opened a food distribution hub…

Food First NL opens new storefront in Corner Brook

Food First NL officially opened a new storefront in Corner Brook today; designed to get…

Food First NL calls for rethink of food charity

With numbers drastically rising for food bank usage in the province, Food First NL wants…

Food First NL welcomes ‘Grocery Rebate’ in federal budget

The federal budget is offering a one-time grocery rebate for Canadians earning lower incomes to…

Food First NL unveils new mission for future

Food First NL laid out a bold new mission at its annual community update today.…

Community food helpline closing due to limited funding and rising cost of living

A help line that has connected thousands of people with options for food aid in…

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