The driver of a car is under investigation for failing to move over for a tow truck that was parked on the side of the road on Route 73 near Tilton early Tuesday morning.
Bay Roberts RCMP were called shortly before 7 a.m. Evidence gathered at the scene indicates the tow truck was pulled over to the side of the road with its lights activated and flatbed lowered, preparing to load a separate vehicle onto the flatbed. The car, which came up behind the tow truck, failed to move over and collided with the flatbed of the truck. The car was launched into the air and came to rest on its roof. Nobody, including the tow truck operator, was injured.
The driver remains under investigation and charges are anticipated.
As is legislated by the Highway Traffic Act, motorists are required to move over when passing emergency vehicles, including tow trucks, when they are parked on the side of the highway with their lights flashing.