NTV Weather Update | Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Posted: January 14, 2025 6:23 am | Last Updated: January 14th, 2025 7:16 pm
By Eddie Sheerr


Post 3 – 5:42 PM NST (5:13 PM AST)

A rainbow was seen over Labrador City today! That is a scarce thing to see this time of year because rainbows only form when water is in the air.

For those of you who live in Labrador West, you may ask yourself how was a rainbow was seen when temperatures were close to -17°C this morning.

So how did this happen? Supercooled water is how! Which brings us to our next topic… what is supercooled water? Simply put, it’s water that is in the atmosphere at a temperature below freezing (0°C).

  • Sometimes, tiny water droplets in the air don’t freeze, even though it’s super cold. This happens because they don’t have anything to “grab onto,” like dust, to start turning into ice.
  • These cold, liquid water droplets are called supercooled water—they’re like water that’s ready to freeze but just hasn’t yet.
  • If these droplets hit something, like a plane or a tree, they freeze instantly, turning into ice right away!
  • These droplets can remain in a liquid state until -40°C!

Post 2 – 12:59 PM NST (12:29 PM AST)

Temperatures around lunchtime are sitting near or below freezing over much of the island and well below the goose egg for most of the Big Land.

Luckily, the winds are not overly strong, and wind chills are not much lower than the air temperatures.

Post 1 – 6:09 AM NST (5:39 AM NST)

The weather observing station at St. John’s International Airport has been reporting freezing drizzle for the last few hours. As you head out the door this morning, some slick spots will be underfoot, and your car may resemble a glazed donut. Give yourself some time to chip that off before hitting the road!

The on and off flurries continued overnight, and many areas of the Province are seeing snow-covered roads this morning, or partly snow-covered roads. Be sure to visit the 511NL.ca site for details on the road conditions in your area.

GOES Satellite Imagery & Simulated Radar

The weather today will almost be a carbon-copy of Monday, with a little less wind across the board. Highs reach the minus single digits for much of the Island and coastal Labrador and will remain near -10º in the western part of the Big Land.

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